Dieases and Gems

We now give below brief particulars of the diseases in which the gems are used but side by side total reliance on gems is not desirable. Medicines should always be taken first, Gems should be worn generally as a side helper for quick recovery. Beware that semi-stones (up-ratna) are never effective in diseases.  
Acidity or Gastric Trouble     
Use Zade 10 to 20 cts. on little finger, neck or Anamika or use Emerald, Yellow Sapphire & Moon Stone
Use Red Coral & Emerald during pregnancy period.
Use White or Red Coral 6 to 12 cts. with lapis Lazuli 4 cts.
Use Gomed 4 to 8 cts.
Use emerald with Red Coral or Tourmaline only
Use Red Coral with Yellow Sapphire
Use Pearl with Moon stone or Red Coral, yellow Sapphire, Emerald Moonstone.
Use Cat's Eye with Moon Stone or Emerald, Yellow Sapphire with Pearl.
Use Red Coral or Gomed.
Use Red Coral, Blue Sapphire with Emerald
Brain Fever
Use Emerald, Yellow Sapphire with Red Coral or Ruby.
Brain Tumors
Use Emerald, Yellow Sapphire with Red Coral.
Brain Hemorrhage
Use Red coral 7 to 10 cts. Yellow Sapphire 5 to 8 cts.  With Moon Stone 8 to 10 cts. Or Red Coral Moon Stone & Emerald.  
Use Cat's eye & Moon Stone or Red Coral & Moon Stone.
Use Red coral with Blue Sapphire & Emerald.
Cough & Cold
Use Red Coral with Moon Stone.
Children's Diseases
Use Red Coral with Moon Stone
Use Red coral with Yellow Sapphire.
Use Red Coral, yellow Sapphire with Lapis Lajuli old age above 50 years Use Red coral 15 cts., Blue Sapphire & Panna.
Use Emerald, Yellow Sapphire with Moon Stone or Gomed
Use Red Coral, yellow Sapphire & Moon Stone.
Use Emerald & Moon Stone Red Coral may be used in acute cases.
Use Ruby and Moon Stone. Gomed may be used in some cases.
Heart Trouble
Ruby, Yellow Sapphire with Red Coral. Moon Stone may be used in acute cases.
High Blood Pressure
Use Yellow Sapphire with Pearl.
Low Blood Pressure
Use Red Coral, Ruby with Moon Stone or Emerald.
Use Red Coral & Light Blue Sapphire. 
Leucoderma (White Patches)
Use Diamond 1 ct., Light Blue Sapphire 5 cts. & Panna 5 cts. (White Patches  on the skin)
Liver Trouble
Use Yellow sapphire, Emerald with Pearl.
Leucorrhoea(White Discharge)
Use White Coral or Pink Coral 10to18 cts
Menses Diseases
Use Red Coral with Pearl. Emerald may be used in acute cases.
Use Red Coral, Emerald, and Moon Stone. Blue Sapphire may be used as an additional Gem.
Use Red Coral with Moon Stone.
Use Red Coral.
Use sapphire or Red Coral with sapphire
Use Red Coral & White Coral, Diamond may be used in acute cases.